Lately, I have been feeling like I’m fighting an uphill battle; trying to secure a job where I make enough money, looking for a new car, and basically feeling in over my head. After the Spain debacle, it really showed me that I am definitely a “paycheck to paycheck” kind of girl. I can’t imagine how I lived on less, and when I waited tables, I definitely made more and I can’t even remember how I spent it. It’s been super difficult not to fall back into the service industry when my best friend is making $600 in two shifts at a new restaurant.

Waiting tables was easy and very lucrative and is honestly SO HARD to avoid now! I know that I’m working for a better career and overall well-being over time, but it’s hard not to be able to do and buy all the things I want and to know that if I switched downward, that I would be able to. I guess that is classified under my generation’s mindset within the United States. That instant gratification. But, I think that it’s explained by more than that.
Throughout graduate school, I was heavily discouraged from holding one job, let alone the three that I held. I taught dance, coached cheer and waited tables. I fully financed my graduate education through student loans, work and had to commute to school, as I couldn’t afford to move. I kept running into issues of last minute mandatory meetings and an overall bad perception of me for doing these jobs. I actually had a professor tell me that “Serving beers isn’t going to get you anywhere in life.” Well, lady, it pays your salary, is what I wanted to say, but alas I refrained for the first and time in my life.
Now, my job now is great, but it isn’t full time as I graduate in August and I need my degree to be considered for any position. And “serving beers” is one of the reasons I was considered. My consulting firm specializes in selection assessments for the restaurant industry. So knowing the jargon and basic job necessities actually helps me to develop better assessments and I was already up to speed on what they were trying to accomplish. I even use my cheer and dance training to put together flash mobs and talent show acts (if you want a taste, we will be performing something I helped to choreograph at the People Report Summer Camp tomorrow).

I think people like my professor have no understanding of what is important for companies and individuals in general. Sure, you can have a Master’s or PhD in a field, but not understand an industry or subject for what it is at all. And its people like this that make me want to go back to work in the service industry. At least then I’m listened to for my experience, make a ton of money and not judged because I’m in school. It’s actually harder to maintain any sort of job with school on the side. I think that I have a tendency to not move forward in life very willingly (or I know I’m like that). That’s really a huge reason why I am trying so hard to not return to where I was. I think moving on is important, even though without my hard work to a degree, I could be making double what I am making now.
Hopefully, this too shall pass and I can go to restaurants to have fun and support my friends that work there, rather than relying on it for income. And while I think it will pass, it’s still hard to ignore! Have any of you fallen into that spell? I know what’s good for me, but, man, the temptation to do something that will be “good” for me short term is so hard to ignore. I’m going to stay strong (hopefully) and keep doing what I’m doing to have a better end result!