Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I'm Tired

I’m tired
I’m tired of work, “fun”, friends and life
I’m tired of not sleeping, of sleeping, of fast food and of cooking
I’m tired of bills, bank accounts, loans and STUDENT loans
I’m tired of being a good worker and it not mattering due to other factors such as dress, perceived work ethic and the fact that I’m a girl with boobs
I’m tired of being around fake people, where I am just a means to an end to them
I’m tired of men wanting to sleep with me and only seeing me as an object
I’m tired of not being treated as if I’m a person
I’m tired of being put into small cute packages of categorization to make it easier to identify me
I’m tired of being judged for ridiculous things
I’m tired of being judged for non-ridiculous things
I’m tired of having to live for other people
I’m tired of figuring out others’ perceptions of me
I’m tired of being told I’m the problem when I’m clearly not
I’m tired of people blaming social norms for bad behavior
I’m tired of people being mean
I’m tired of people being rude
I’m tired of malicious intent
I’m tired of being underpaid and undervalued
I’m tired of slaving at two jobs because I can’t get a competitive wage at my main one
I’m tired of having to explain WHY I deserve fair pay
I’m tired of men in my same job benefitting from my battles
I’m tired of laziness
I’m tired of doing others’ jobs for them
I’m tired at the lack of resourcefulness that people have
I’m tired of getting in trouble for caring too much
I’m tired of being told I care too much
I’m tired of caring
I’m just tired.

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