Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Most Annoying Question Bosses Ask You

As I’ve been trying to figure out my career path and really just how to be a fully functioning adult, I’ve been thinking about all the different directions my life can take. At my job, we do quarterly check ins and can add discussions if necessary to make sure that we are meeting goals within our positions, but also to talk about what we want to ultimately be doing.

 I ALWAYS struggle with that question! “Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Or “What are your long-term goals?” UM, IDK?! Every mentor or role-model that I’ve ever had has said that you need to have a basic plan and goals to meet over time in order to be successful and happy with your life. I try SO hard to do this, but I keep going back to my 20 year old self (6 years ago) and think about my answer at that age. I thought when I was 25, I’d be married with children, having a small supplemental job to my husband and maybe teaching dance on the side. Yeah, YOU GUESSED IT! That didn’t happen. 

AND I’m glad it didn’t! I have experienced and done more than I ever thought I was capable of and more than I had ever imagined for myself. I mean, I didn’t know what I could be doing and it’s hard to know what you want to do when you don’t know all of your options. You don’t know what you don’t know. You have to gain as many experiences and knowledge in order to make informed decisions about your life, goals, career, everything. 

I still struggle with this as I felt that my 20 year old self severely pigeon-holed me into a specific life path that I may have been happy with, but I would also have missed out on so much that makes me happy now. I don’t want my 26 year old self to do that to my 30, 40 or 50 year old self. That being said, I understand having direction is important, but instead of placing SO MUCH emphasis on it, maybe encourage discovery, experience and the continued acquisition of knowledge and expertise.
So, when answering the question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?,” I say, where don’t I see myself in 5 years? Ultimately, I want a career that is does not only enable me to provide for a family; I want one that is meaningful and I can see my impact, however small. I also want to be GOOD at what I do. I want people to know me for striving for the very best and achieving that. The actual tasks or assignments are almost irrelevant. I say almost, because I’ve prepared and studied an area that I would probably stay within, but there is SO much to do in that area! 

I want to make a positive impact in any way that I can. Whether it be direct, indirect, financial, people-oriented, system oriented, etc. As the market changes and as needs change, what I need to do to accomplish this goal changes.  It’s difficult to know exactly your placement to be able to keep up with the changes. Experience makes you better able to see the movements, track them and understand them, but for now, I have to work hard at understanding the landscape and how it changes.  That understanding is essential to making an impact.  “What are your long-term goals?” Answer: TO MAKE AN IMPACT! 

The above is a picture of me looking like I'm making an impact. Mostly I wanted to show off that swan faucet. It's pretty awesome. 

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