Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Who Is Your Support System?

This past week has been pretty crazy for me. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs, but mostly downs. Now, if you know me or have read my blogs, I am a pretty happy person. I enjoy everything in my life and make it a point to do things that I want/like to do. I love my job, friends, family, boyfriend, hobbies I choose to pursue, etc. Ever since one of my very young and close friends passed away unexpectedly, I have decided not to waste my time doing things that don’t give me some sort of joy. Quite frankly, life is far too short for that. 

Getting back to this week: I was blind sighted with a new change. I HATE transitions and changes, especially when I have not mentally prepared myself for them. My company was acquisitioned by the biggest talent management/human resource related company in the world. A flood of feelings and thoughts came over me when the news was announced. I was excited to try something new (I’ve wanted to work for this other company), sad to see that this company is no longer a single entity (they have taught me how to be a professional and actually cared about my well-being), and scared. 

Scared of the uncertainty that accompanies these types of situations. Scared of the changes. Scared to lose working relationships with people. While I always fight through these situations, this time, I really needed help coping (and fast) so that I can dive right in. I needed help understanding what was going on (because I’ve never been in this situation), help dealing with the sense of loss and excitement at the same time, and help understanding the next steps that I needed to take. 

I will tell you that without a well-laid support structure, I would have been lost. I had several mentors and individuals that have been in these situations offer various advice. Some are totally against working for the organization that has acquired you, due to bad previous experiences. Some said that this was a positive thing for me and my career. I also consulted with people who knew what steps I should take in understanding the decisions that I needed to make. I also had individuals help me deal with the stress. Whether it was going to dinner or a movie with me, continually texting me to check on my situation, or just being an open ear, those people really helped. 

I may be seen as a pessimist, but I didn’t expect the outpouring of information and genuine support. My friends and family are awesome, but they have their own lives and problems. But I felt that they stopped everything to help me, and for that, I am truly grateful (and will pay it forward). I challenge all of you to do the same. To my friends, it may just be one phone conversation or one movie, but to me it was something to hold on to while dealing with a tough situation. 

I’ll update all of my devoted readers on what happens next and definitely expect some insight into my experience in this situation. I know that many young professionals may have felt similar things if they ever have to go through a situation like this, and I want to give you every thought, decision and hindsight that I can to help you through. 

I’m GOING to have a good week this week and I hope you do the same!


  1. You're going to do awesome and rock things at the new company!!

  2. oh... that was Brittany btw LOL it wrote 'anonymous'
