I have had a lot on my mind lately!! This may just be an update as to finding my way, but I think that some people could relate to what is going on in my life right now, as things are getting rather exciting! I feel as if I am standing at the edge of a cliff and about to jump (with a hang glider, of course) into the next steps of my career, life, etc.
Now, if you know me, I am TERRIBLE at transitioning into the next steps. I hated college when I first got to it, I hated grad school at first, and I hated leaving things behind to go forward. As many of you may know, I refuse to leave certain things behind just because people say to, so that is NOT my purpose in sharing this about me. I just have never been on the front of change, I stay back until I’m ready, which is changing right now!
I found out that, after petitioning some classes, that I will be graduating in August! (Because university policies state that I have to apply for graduation and even though I’m done in May, I have to wait until August). I took the steps necessary to just complete the Master’s at UTA and to not continue into the PhD program there. For a while, as some of my previous entries have stated, I felt very conflicted about this decision. I knew in my heart that doing something else (not experimental psychology) is what I’m meant to do, but I did talk to close friends, mentors, bosses and family to make sure my head was in the right place as well.

I encourage everyone to do that “hard look.” Really look at where you are, how you got there, where you want to go and how to get there. The first two things are important as it may be difficult to remember why you chose a certain path at the time and what is has now led to. It is insightful to look at this because then you can begin to see your tendencies in decision making. The last two things are the hardest to hammer out. That took me several weeks and hours of conversation (because, hey, I’m a talker) to figure out. Once that is figured out though, it feels so exciting! Not every detail has to be planned, but that feeling of really accomplishing something and finding what you are meant to do is awesome!
Now I know most people may have already gone through this (because like I said before, I’m always the last to change) but I think doing this every so often will really help to keep your head on straight. If anyone has any stories, I’d love to hear them in the comment section!